Results of the research project
Research projects
June-November 2020 – Director of the Grant Entre eux et nous. Sensibilisation et action, AUF-BECO.
2017 – 2019 – Representative of the University of Bucharest in the scientific network Réseau régional francophone sur la santé, la nutrition et la sécurité alimentaire-Sain under the AUF – BECO coordination.
Marinescu, V. (ed.) Food, Nutrition and the Media. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020. ISBN : 978-3-030-46499-8.
Marinescu, Valentina and Rovența-Frumușani, Daniela (eds.) Santé et nutrition dans les médias actuels. ArsDocendi, 2019. 225 p. ISBN: 978-606-998-084-2.
Marinescu Valentina and Mitu Bianca (eds.) Health and the Media: Essays on the Effects of Mass Communication. McFarland, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-4766-6302-9
Marinescu Valentina and Mitu Bianca (eds.) The Power of the Media in Health Communication - Routledge, 2016, 220 p. ISBN: 978-1-4724-7155-0
Marinescu Valentina and Mitu Bianca (eds.) On the other side of the sterile field: Medicine and media, Ars Docendi, 2014, 151 p, ISBN 978-973-558-817-5.
Marinescu, V., Pocol, C. B., Dabija, D. C., and Amuza, A. Clustering Generation Z university students based on daily fruit and vegetable consumption: empirical research in an emerging market. British Food Journal, 2021, doi: 10.1108/BFJ-10-2020-0900.
Marinescu, V., Fox, B., Cristea, D., Roventa-Frumusani, D., Marinache, R., and Branea, S. (2021). Talking about Sustainability: How the Media Construct the Public’s Understanding of Sustainable Food in Romania. Sustainability, 13(9), 2021, 4609. doi: 10.3390/su13094609.
Marinescu, V., and Rodideal, A. Efectele pandemiei Covid-19 asupra sănătății și stării de bine a copiilor. Revista Romana de Sociologie, 1-2/2021, pp. 57-84. – ISSN: 1224-9262.
Marinescu, V., and Rodat, S. Food sustainability, healthy eating, on-trend diets: media representations of nutrition in Romania and Germany. Social Change Review, 18(1), pp. 105-143.doi: 10.2478/scr-2020-0004.
Marinescu, V. Digital Health and the Generation Gap in Romanian Context. Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques, No. 67/ 2020, pp. 79-91. - ISSN: 1584 - 224X.
Balasescu, M. and Marinescu, V. Framing Epizootic Diseases in Mass Media. PostModernist Problems, 10 (2), 2020, pp. 177-201. doi: 10.46324/PMP2002177.
Marinescu, V. Calitatea informatiilor online despre santatea din Romania – O trecere in revista a situatiei actuale. In Moda, comunicare si tehnologie. Edited by Marinescu, Valentina and Podaru, Dan. Tritonic, 2020. ISBN: 978-606-749-473-0. pp. 21-39.
Marinescu, V., and Roventa-Frumusani, D. Food, Nutrition and Media. In Food, Nutrition and Media. Edited by Valentina Marinescu, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020. ISBN : 978-3-030-46499-8, pp. 5-20.
Marinescu, V. The Analysis of Media Coverage and Scientific Literature on Food and Nutrition: The Case of Eastern European Countries. In Food, Nutrition and Media. Edited by Valentina Marinescu, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020. ISBN : 978-3-030-46499-8, pp. 21-31.
Marinescu, V. Media Coverage of Food Issues in Romania: A Longitudinal Analysis. In Food, Nutrition and Media. Edited by Valentina Marinescu, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020. ISBN : 978-3-030-46499-8, pp. 159-173.
Marinescu, V., and Fox, B. An Argument for a Broader Definition for Food Literacy: Findings from a Systematic Review. In Food, Nutrition and Media. Edited by Valentina Marinescu, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020. ISBN : 978-3-030-46499-8, pp. 239-257.
Marinescu, V. (2020). Challenges of online health-related information for Romanian seniors. Anthropological Research and Studies, No. 10/2020, pp. 9-18 – ISSN – 2360-3445.
Marinescu, V. and Rodat, S. Alimentation saine ou diètes tendance ? Couverture médiatique de la nutrition en Roumanie et Allemagne. In Annuaire Roumaine d’Anthropologie, Tome 57/2020, pp. 43-50. ISSN 0570-2259.
Marinescu, V., Pocol, C. B., Amuza, A., Cadar, R. L., and Rodideal, A. A. Sustainable vs. Unsustainable Food Consumption Behaviour: A Study among Students from Romania, Bulgaria, and Moldova. Sustainability, 12(11), 20200, p. 4699. ISBN-2071-1050.
Marinescu, V. and Rodat, S. Alimentație sănătoasă sau diete în trend? Reprezentarea mediatică a problematicii nutriției. In Anuarul Muzeului Judetean de Stiintele Naturii Prahova. Edited by Iancu, Emilia, Constantin, Marin, Grigorescu, Dragos and Manolache Roxana. Editura Bioedit, Ploiesti. 2020. ISBN: 078-973-1943-11-4, pp. 3-9.
Marinescu V. and Rodat S. De-Commodifying Food: A Comparative Analysis of Media Coverage of Nutrition in Germany and Romania. Anuarul Universitatii "Petre Andrei" din Iasi - Fascicula: Drept, Stiinte Economice, Stiinte Politice, 24/2019, pp. 136-171 - ISSN - 2248-1079.
Marinescu, V. and Rodat, S. Représentations de la nutrition dans les médias en Allemagne et en Roumanie.Quelques éléments d’analyse comparative. In Santé et nutrition dans les médias actuels. Edited by Marinescu, Valentina and Rovența-Frumușani. Daniela. Ars Docendi. 2019. ISBN: 978-606-998-084-2, pp. 177-219.
Marinescu, V., and Balica, E. Lonelier Than Ever? Romania’s Forgotten Seniors. In Emotions and Loneliness in a Networked Society. Edited by Bianca Fox. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 2019. ISBN: 978-3-030-24881-9, pp. 179-200.
Marinescu, V. Campagnes de communication de succès concernant l’alimentation adéquate, la sécurité alimentaire et le changement du comportement alimentaire. In Guide de bonnes practiques: Nutrition rationnelle, la sûreté alimentaire et le changement de comportement alimentaire. Edited by Croitoru Catalina and Ciobanu Elena, Université d’État de Médecine et Pharmacie „Nicolae Testemitanu”, Chisinau, 2019, pp. 44-48, ISBN: 978-9975-56-337-7.
Marinescu V. Representing Public Health in Romanian Communist Media (1945-1989). Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques, No. 62/ 2019, pp. 136-145. – ISSN: 1584 – 224X.
Marinescu V. Book Review: Food Advertising: Nature, Impact and Regulation by Barrie Gunter. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly (2019). doi: 10.1177/1077699019837583.
Marinescu, V. and Ibrahimi, S. (2018). Web-based Health Information in Romania between accesibility and bias. In Forum on studies of society: conference proceedings: second edition: Chieti, Pescara, 2018. Edited by Cristina Ilie Goga, Alexandra Porumbescu, Ionuţ Virgil Şerban, Pro Universitaria, Bucuresti, 2018, pp. 105-116, ISBN 978-606-26-1012-8.
Marinescu, V. (2018). Internet and Third Age in Romania – An exploratory study. In Forum on studies of society: conference proceedings: second edition: Chieti, Pescara, 2018. Edited by Cristina Ilie Goga, Alexandra Porumbescu, Ionuţ Virgil Şerban, Pro Universitaria, Bucuresti, 2018, pp. 225-235, ISBN 978-606-26-1012-8.
Marinescu, V. Biased or not? The issue of online health information in Romania. In Digital Revolution in the Cultural and Social Processes. Edited by Tatiana Shopova and Gergana Apostolova, South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, Center for New Media and Digital Cultures, Blagoevgrad, 2018, pp. 331-343, ISBN 978-954-00-0171-5.
Marinescu V. “Spaces and Encounters in Romanian Hospitals Make Us Sicker”. Romanian Patients’ Discourses about Medical System. Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques, No. 59/ 2018, pp. 105-116. – ISSN: 1584 – 224X.
Marinescu V. and Rodat S. Romanian and German Seniors in Quest of Online Health-Related Information: An Exploratory Comparative Study, Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 20(1), 2018, pp. 25-45. ISSN 1454-8100 / e-ISSN 2344-5440
Marinescu V. and Silistraru I. Interpersonal communication within Romanian medical field. Anthropological Researches and Studies, 2018. no. 8, pp. 6-14, ISSN – 2360-3445.
Marinescu, V. Internet and health in Romania. In Mediyna sreda, publichna i strategicheska komunikatsiya [Media Environment, Public and Strategic Communications]. Edited by Stella Angova et al., Sofia: Izdatelski kompleks – UNSS, 2018, pp. 290-303, ISBN: 978-619-232-086-7.
Marinescu, V. and Marinache, R. Changes in the health-related behaviour in the digital era: Evidence from Romania. In Culture and social development (III) – Thematic Proceedings: Information revolution, new media and social changes. Edited by Mirko Miletić, Faculty of Culture and Media, “John Naisbitt” University, Serbia, 2017, pp. 193-207, ISBN: 978-86-7747-578-9.
Marinescu, V. Romanian Seniors, Internet and Health. Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies, 2/2017, pp. 135–143, ISSN: 2457-6158.
Marinescu V. and Silistraru I. Les communautésen ligne de malades de la Roumanie: nouvelles frontiėres ou nouveaux territoires? Cultures of Communication / Cultures de la Communication, 2017, no. 2, pp. 117-127, ISSN : 2502 – 0242.
Marinescu V. and Marinache R. Foreword: Sociology of health and medicine. Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies, 2017, no. 1/2017, pp. 1-7, ISSN: ISSN 2457-6158.
Marinescu, V, New perspectives for health literacy in Romania: Ehealth and youths. In Interculturalitate, Comunicare si Mass media- Vol. II. Edited by Ruxandra Coman, Silviu Serban. Bucharest, Ars Docendi, 2017, pp. 188-201, ISBN: 978-973-558-992-9.
Marinescu, V. and Silistraru, I. Promises and pitfalls for the health journalism in Romania. Revista de Stiinte Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques, No. 54/ 2017, pp. 151-165 - ISSN: 1584 - 224X.
Marinescu V. Normes latentes et professionnalisation naissante des relation publiques dans le domaine médical. In Exploring Political and Gender Relations -New Digital and Cultural Environments. Edited by Valentina Marinescu and Silvia Branea, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 239-256, ISBN: 978-1-4438-99772-7.
Marinescu V. and Mitu B. Introduction: emerging trends in media and health research. In The Power of the Media in Health Communication. Edited by Valentina Marinescu and Bianca Mitu, Routledge, 2016, pp. 1-9. ISBN: 978-1-4724-7155-0.
Marinescu V. ‘Alone with my illness': Stories about chronic disease in Romania. In The Power of the Media in Health Communication. Edited by Valentina Marinescu and Bianca Mitu, Routledge, 2016, pp. 91-106. ISBN: 978-1-4724-7155-0.
Marinescu V. and Mitu B. Conclusion: Media and health – Where do we go from here? In The Power of the Media in Health Communication. Edited by Valentina Marinescu and Bianca Mitu, Routledge, 2016, pp.181-186. ISBN: 978-1-4724-7155-0.
Marinescu V. and Mitu B. Introduction – Media and Health: Contemporary Approaches. In Health and the Media: Essays on the Effects of Mass Communication. Edited by Valentina Marinescu and Bianca Mitu, McFarland, 2016, pp. 7-16. ISBN: 978-1-4766-6302-9.
Marinescu V. Media Coverage of Health and Illness in Romania. In Health and the Media: Essays on the Effects of Mass Communication. Edited by Valentina Marinescu and Bianca Mitu, McFarland, 2016, pp. 7-16. ISBN: 978-1-4766-6302-9.
Marinescu V. and Mitu B. Conclusion – Media and Health, Challenges and Opportunities. In Health and the Media: Essays on the Effects of Mass Communication. Edited by Valentina Marinescu and Bianca Mitu, McFarland, 2016, pp. 241-249. ISBN: 978-1-4766-6302-9.
Marinescu V. Where is the prevention? Incomplete public campaigns about hepatitis in Romania, Anthropological Research and Studies, No. 6/2016, pp. 43-54 – ISSN – 2360-3445.
Marinescu V. The Crisis of Public Health as a Media Event: Between Media Frames and Public Assessments. In Global Perspectives on Media Events in Contemporary Society. Edited by Andrew Fox, IGI Global, 2016, pp. 79-89. ISBN13: 978-146-669-967-0. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9967-0.
Marinescu V. Vestimentatie utilitara – Necesitate si identitate. In Moda, gen si identitate, Valentina Marinescu and Dan Podaru, Tritonic, 2015, pp. 9-31, ISBN: 978-606-749-064-0.
Marinescu V. (book review) Monnais, L. & H.J. Cook (eds.). 2012. Global Movements, Local Concerns – Medicine and Health in Southeast Asia, Singapore: NUS Press, ISBN 9789971696399. New Asia Books.
Marinescu V. (book review) Saxer, M. 2013. Manufacturing Tibetan Medicine. The Creation of an Industry and the Moral Economy of Tibetanness, New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books, ISBN 0857457721. New Asia Books.
Marinescu V. Communication and health in Romania – The case of public campaigns. Anthropological Research and Studies, No. 5/2014, pp. 33-34 – ISSN – 2360-3445.
Marinescu V. Aspecte ale influentei exercitate de internet asupra comportamentului studentilor din Romania legat de sanatate. Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator 7(4), 2014, pp.289-304 -ISSN – 1843-4460.
Marinescu V. E-Health, Comunicarea din cadrul familiei in Romania. Anthropological Research and Studies, No. 4/2014, pp. 22-23 – ISSN – 2360-3445.
Marinescu V. Latent Standards and Incipient Professionalization in the Field of Public Relations within the Romanian Medical System. In On the other side of the sterile field: Medicine and media, Edited by Valentina Marinescu and Bianca Mitu, Ars Docendi, pp. 107 – 123, ISBN 978-973-558-817-5.
Marinescu V. Reconstructing Health: Perceptions and Representations of TV Medical Series. In Contemporary Television Series-Narrative Structures and Audience Perception, Edited by Valentina Marinescu, Silvia Branea and Bianca Mitu, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 104-115, ISBN 978-1-4438-5986-8.
Marinescu V. The discourse on the “crisis of the health care system”: Is there a negative political bias in Romanian newspapers coverage? Revista de Stiinte Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques, No. 37-38/ 2013, pp. 349-361 – ISSN: 1584 – 224X.
Marinescu V., Nimrod G. and Carlo S. Health and Communication – Guest Editors’ Foreword. International Review of Social Research, Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2013, pp. 1-5 – ISSN: 2069-8534.
Papers – Conferences
Marinescu, V. Campagnes de sensibilisation au changement climatique. Paper presented at the International Conference “Changement climatique : Impact et conséquences sur la sante, prevention et adaptation”, Université d'Etat de Médecine et de Pharmacie “Nicolae Testemitanu” de République Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova, 28 November 2020.
Marinescu, V. Framing Animal Diseases in Romanian Mass Media. Paper presented at the “Third edition of the Forum on Studies of Society (FSS) - International Conference on Social and Humanistic Sciences”, Università degli Studi di Enna ”Kore”, Enna, Italy, Study Programs: Social Work and Criminological Sciences and University of Craiova, Romania, Study Programs: Sociology and Social Work, Romania, 21 November, 2020.
Marinescu, V. and Balasescu, M. Epizootics and Romanian Media. The Case of African Swine Flu in 2014-2017. Paper presented at the Third Anthrozoology Symposium “Ethics and the Non-human World”, “Gh. Zane” Institute of Social and Economic Research, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch, Faculty of Biology, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, “Ion Ionescu de la Brad”, University of Agricultural Studies and Veterinary Medicine, Iași and Moldavia’s History Museum, “Moldova” National Museum Complex, Iasi, Romania, 6-8 November 2020.
Lungu, M., Marinescu, V. and Rada, C. Physical activity and associated emotions during the pandemic triggered by the SARS-COV 2 Virus. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference “Days of Applied Psychology 2020-Psychology in the World of Science”, Faculty of Philosophy, Nis, Nis, Serbia, 25-26 September 2020.
Communication and NGOs in Romania Paper presented at the 10th Annual International Conference “After Communism. East and West under Scrutiny”, Faculty of Social Sciences - Craiova - Center of Post-Communist Political Studies CEPOS/ CESPO, Craiova, Romani, 27-28 March 2020.
Digital Health and the Generation Gap in Romanian Context. Paper presented at the 10th Annual International Conference “After Communism. East and West under Scrutiny”, Faculty of Social Sciences - Craiova - Center of Post-Communist Political Studies CEPOS/ CESPO, Craiova, Romani, 27-28 March 2020.
“Infodemics”- New shapes of diseases in mass media. Paper presented at the International Conference ”Interdisciplinary perspectives in culture, society and arts: Mapping future research directions”, organised by University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 25-26 February 2020.
(with Simona Rodat). Alimentatie sanatoasa sau diete in trend? Reprezentarea mediatica a problematicii nutritiei in Romania si Germania [Healthy diets or scientific nutrition? Media Representation of Nutrition in Germany and Romania]. Paper presented at the International Conference Omul si provocarile societati postmoderne organised by the Instutute of Athropology, Romanian Academy and Prahova National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ploiesti, Romania, 17-19 October 2019.
Acoperirea mediatica a epidemiilor - Prezentarea pestei porcine africane (PPA) in mass-media romaneasca [Media Coverage of Epidemics – The case of framing the classical swine fever (CSF) in Romanian media]. Paper presented at the International Conference Omul si provocarile societati postmoderne organised by the Instutute of Athropology, Romanian Academy and Prahova National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ploiesti, Romania, 17-19 October 2019.
Social encounters within the medical space – auto-etnographies of Romanian patients. Paper presented at The 12th Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference-CEECOM 2019, organised by the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridsky”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 19-21 June 2019.
Humour in Medicine Commercials. Paper presented at the 16th edition of the Conference Limbă şi literatură – repere identitare în context european, University of Pitesti, Pitesti, Romania, 14-16 June 2018.
(with Simona Rodat). Mediatizarea problematicii nutritiei in Germania si Romania: o analiză comparativa [De-Commodifying Food: A Comparative Analysis of Media Coverage of Nutrition in Germany and Romania]. Paper presented at the national conference “Dimensiuni contemporane ale dezvoltarii. Fundalul romanesc al sincronizarii europene” organised by Petru Andrei University, Iasi, Romania, 7-8 June 2019.
Representing public health in Romanian communist media (1945-1989). Paper presented at the Ninth Conference ”After Communism. East and West under scrutinity”, Faculty of Social Sciences – Craiova – Center of Post-Communist Political Studies CEPOS/ CESPO, Craiova, Romania, 29-30 March 2019.
Advertising and health in Romania. Paper presented at the Ninth Conference ”After Communism. East and West under scrutinity”, Faculty of Social Sciences – Craiova – Center of Post-Communist Political Studies CEPOS/ CESPO, Craiova, Romania, 29-30 March 2019.
(with Ecaterina Balica). Couverture médiatique des questions alimentaires en Roumanie: une analyse longitudinale [Media coverage of food issues in Romania : A longitudinal analysis]. Paper presente at the International Conference Débats sur la santé et la nutrition: Les médias, la littérature scientifique et les sciences sociales. University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 20-21 June 2018.
(with Ecaterina Balica). La sécurité alimentaire dans l'environnement urbain. Modèles d'intervention dans les grandes villes européennes [Food security in urban environment. Patters of intervention in the big Eropean cities]. Paper presente at the International Conference Débats sur la santé et la nutrition: Les médias, la littérature scientifique et les sciences sociales. University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 20-21 June 2018.
Spaces and encounters in Romanian hospitals make us sicker – Romanian patients’ discourses about medical system. Paper presented at the Eight Conference After Communism. East and West under scrutinity, Faculty of Social Sciences – Craiova – Center of Post-Communist Political Studies CEPOS/ CESPO, Craiova, Romania, 23-24 March 2018.
Campagnes de communication réussies liées à la nutrition adéquate. Paper presented at the International Conference Le management du statut nutritionnel, Université d’Etat de Médecine et de Pharmacie „Nicolae Testemitanu” de République Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova, 21 March 2018.
Internet and health in Romania. Paper presented at the International Conference Media, Communication, Society - Strategic Communications and Media Environment, Department of Media and Public Communications at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, Bulgaria, 20-21 November 2017.
Romanian Seniors, Internet and Health. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Digital Culture and Society, South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 3-4 November 2017.
Quality and Accesibility of Web-based Health Information in Romania – A review of the evidence. Paper presented at the International Conference Cultures and their communication, Department of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, 3-4 November 2017.
Bringing the Public Health Perspective on Violence Against Children – The need for a mixed approach on framing. Paper presented at the 2nd edition of Social Work International Conference (SWIC) 2017, Faculty of Sociology and Social Wok, University of Bucharest, 2-3 November 2017.
History of medicine in Romania. Public presentation at the Department of History of Science, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul, Turkey, 23 October 2017.
(with Ramona Marinache). Health-related Behaviour in the Digital Era in Romanian Context, Paper presented at the National Conference of the Sociologists Society from Romania and the Annual Conference of the Research in Sociology and Social Work ” European and National Identities at Crossroads: Reshaping Boundaries, Changing Political Cultures, and Re-Imagining the Future”, University of Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania, 13-14 October 2017.
(with Ioana Silistraru) Narrative Approach to the Chief Complaint of a Cardiovascular Patient in Romania in Doctor‐Patient Communication. Paper presented at the international conference ”Qualitative Research in Communication 2017” – College of Communication, National School of Political Sciences and Administration, Bucharest, 4-5 October 2017.
(with Ioana Silistraru) Interpersonal communication within Romanian medical field. Paper presented at the 2nd edition of the International Conference Individual, family, society – Contemporary Challenges, “Francisc I. Rainer” Anthropology Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Moldova Republic, Bucharest, 4-5 October 2017.
On-line Communication and Romanian Seniors Quest for a Better Health. Paper presented at 4th ESTIDIA Conference Dialogues without Borders: Strategies of Interpersonal and Inter-group Communication, Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridsky”, Sofia, Bulgaria in partnership with Institute of Rhetoric and Communications, Sofia,Centre for New Media and
Transdisciplinary Dialogue, Constanţa, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 29-30 September 2017.
(with Ioana Silistraru) Narrative approach to the chief complaint of a cardiovascular patient in Romania and addressing his chief concern about his life-threatening condition. Poster presented at the 2nd edition of the International Conference on Non-Communicable Diseases (ICONiC), University of Public Health, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, 22-24 May 2017.
Re-constructing violence against children in Romanian media: Between social frames and health arguments. Paper presented at the 2nd edition of the International Conference on Non-Communicable Diseases (ICONiC), University of Public Health, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, 22-24 May 2017.
Assessment of the quality of web-based health information in Romania. Paper presented at the International Conference of Humanities and Social Sciences, Creativity, Imaginary, Language – Fourth edition, University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania, 19-20 May 2017.
New perspectives for health literacy in Romania: Ehealth and youths. Paper presented at the Second National Conference Interculturalitate, comunicare si mass media, organised by ”Spiru Haret” University, Faculty of Journalism, Bucharest, Romania, 19 May 2017.
(with Ioana Silistraru) Promises and pitfalls for the health journalism in Romania. The Seventh Conference ”After Communism. East and West under scrutinity”, Faculty of Social Sciences - Craiova - and Center of Post-Communist Political Studies CEPOS/ CESPO, Craiova, Romania, 24-25 March 2017.
(with Ramona Marinache) Changes in health-related behaviours in the digital era: Evidence from Romania. The Conference Information revolution, new media and social changes in the world, the region and Serbia, Faculty of Culture and Media, “John Naisbitt” University, Belgrade, Serbia, November 25, 2016.
(with Ioana Silistraru) Les communautés en ligne de malades de la Roumanie – Nouvelles frontières ou de nouveaux territoires? The International Conference Places, Boundaries, Communities. Mapping Identities in a (Dis)connected World, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 4-5 November 2016.
Communication and health in Romania – The case of public campaigns. The International Conference Socio-psycho-medical changes in the lifestyles of the contemporary family, Anthropology Institute of the Romanian Academy Francisc I. Rainer, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Nicolae Testemitanu, Chisinau, Moldova Republic, Bucharest, Romania, 7-8 October 2015.
E-Health, comunicarea din cadrul familiei în Romania. Conference Functii si disfunctii ale familiei contemporane [Functions and disfunctions of the contemporary family], Francisc I. Rainer Anthropology Institute of the Romanian Academy, Constantin Radulescu Motru Institute of Philosophy and Psychology of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest Romania, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Targu-Mures, Romania, 10-11 December 2014.
Relations publiques roumaines dans le domaine de système de soins de santé (public et privé) – Notes et évaluations sur le terrain. The Conference Societe, Medias et Politique [Society, Medias and Politics], Faculty of Sociology and Social Work and Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 1-2 November 2014.
Health-related Behavior and Personal Motivations for Using Social Media in Romania. The Conference Digital Culture and Adolescents, University of Blagoevgrad, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 31 October-1 November 2014.
Les récits de la maladie dans l’espace en ligne de Roumanie. Colloqium Les sciences sociales et la société. La Narration comme modèle explicatif dans des sciences sociales, University of Bucharest, 18 – 20 September 2014.
Health e-litteracy: The influence of internet on the Romanians healthy behaviours, paper presented at the Conference Digital Culture and Society, Univeristy of Blagoevgrad, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, October, 31 – November 1, 2013.
The discourse on the “crisis of the health care system”: Is there a negative political bias in Romanian newspapers coverage? The Conference After communism: East and West under scrutinity, Center of Post-Communist Political Studies, University of Craiova, 5-6 April 2013.